Governance, Portfolio, Programme Product and Project Management


We understand that some organisations have depth of expertise and experience within them and do not need Management / P3M Consultants. Instead they would like to learn more about the work of the Core P3M Data Club and would like to implement Business Integrated Governance for themselves.

We therefore encourage people to join the club, learn from collaborating, to network and add value to the community. To date, 70+ people have contributed, and the more that do, the better the materials will be. All the released material is on-line and there is a lot more that is in development or just not published that enrich and exemplify what has been released.

But of course - a good way to quickly assimilate the Core P3M Data Club outputs and the Business Integrated Governance principles is to run an internal course or workshop attended by one of our trainers / consultants. Not only can all the relevant material be covered, but its application can be discussed too. (A course will cover material and quiz, a workshop will try to apply parts of it to your situation) Sessions of 1-5 days are available, depending on the depth of material coverage and application ideation support needed.

For more information - click here

Outline Courses